I’m still waiting for:
- good Linux support, including apps/games
- not too expensive - $500-ish
- relatively privacy-friendly, so anything Meta is out
Valve Index is close, but it’s expensive and Linux content is very limited. Bigscreen VR Headsets looks interesting since it seems more comfortable than Index, just as privacy-friendly, and should work on Linux, but it’s still a little expensive ($1k) and there aren’t many Linux VR apps AFAIK. I might get it though, still deciding.
This requires an Apple iPhone XR or newer, as the face scan utilizes the TrueDepth sensor.
I’d rather take a plaster mold of my face than have to use a specific phone to order a VR headset.
I could probably borrow my wife’s iPhone, but agree, this isn’t great and is part of why I don’t own one. I’m guessing the custom cushion is a significant part of the price (and the appeal), so hopefully they make an alternative at some point.
“borrow my wife’s iPhone” has to be the #1 way people order these. It makes no sense to assume your PC VR enthusiast market has a recent Apple phone on hand
I also happen to be a Linux enthusiast, and since it’s SteamVR compatible, it should just work. There aren’t a lot of Linux compatible headsets, so I’m guessing Linux users would disproportionately be interested, and they’d disproportionately not have iphones…