See, Apple? Even cars can do it :)
I am Dutch
So just lazy then?
I live on the Dutch coast and still cycle despite constantly shit weather.
I have 4 kids. Stop acting like a rodent.
Sounds like you’re stressed from all those kids! Have you tried cycling? It’s a great outlet and stress relief
Not stressed at all, I have a home gym.
Thanks for your concern!
Weight training is very nice for muscle growth and all, but have you tried cycling as a healthy cardio alternative?
If almost a third of trips are less than a mile I feel like the cars are being overused… I am not dismissing the legitimate reasons like rain or carrying kids, although umbrellas and covered strollers have been invented, but I doubt that contributes much to that statistic. If I were to guess, many of these short trips are to the closest mcdonald’s drive-through, but regardless.
If gas prices weren’t so low(because the US spread freedom to every oil rich country to ensure that), I am pretty sure these statistics would look a lot different. I am sure the urban planning and missing sidewalks don’t help, but if fuel was more expensive there would be a lot more people walking, therefore creating incentive for a change.
This is you right, calling on car companies to produce even more vehicles?
Gas prices are largely controlled by OPEC, which the USA isn’t even part of.
Thank you for all your colorful annotations.
Pulling things out of context I see… That thread was about supply and demand being unbalanced leading to scalping. It doesn’t matter if it’s cars, GPUs, PS5s or <insert item not in stock>. It’s how economy works.
Why didn’t you tell everyone to just ride bikes