Moritz Körner, Member of the European Parliament, disclosed the decision on Twitter. Swedish publisher SVG said, “The question was removed at the last moment from Thursday’s ambassadorial meeting in Brussels”.
Such a rule is basically un-enforceable. Because it is nearly never exactly the same text. So it is always the first time voted on.
What they could do is create a law that protects the integrity of E2EE. At least in this case.
But I guess that will never happen… Well, a girl can dream.
It was protected by the ECHR in a recent ruling.
However, Chat Control 2.0 argues that since the spying is done before the content is encrypted, it’s somehow ok. 🙄
It seems ECHR is best court. They fuck Putin, they fuck mass surveilance.
Or law that forbids any mass surveilance. By any entity.