When I got hired at my job where I could write and dictate policy, the first thing I did was write up a new IT Purchasing Policy with a “Banned Manufacturers” section right up top with HP right at #1 and Dell at #2
What did you prefer? Lenovo?
Lately, Lenovo. It was Asus and Lenovo, but lately they’ve been shitting the bed IMO. And MSI is about to join HP and Dell if I have to replace one more of their damn shitty ass fans
Sounds like that list is getting pretty short
Their product quality and servicing are top notch but they don’t have a good price/performance ratio. “Lemur Pro” starts at 1.4k and this gives you Intel GPU & 8GiB RAM. https://system76.com/laptops/lemur#specs
MacBook pros!
What’s the issue with Dell? Everyone I know at work with Dell laptops likes them. I’ve used XPS 15 and 13 in the past and they’ve been generally fine. Battery life sucked but I haven’t ever seen an x86 laptop with what I would consider good battery life.