I want more pneumatic tube systems. I don’t care what it’s used for. They are super satifying and analog.
Yeah, what happened to transit pneumatic tubes? I feel like hyperloop was supposed to be close to that, but that never happened.
Make it an attraction, I’ll ride it.
The Hyperloop was very successful, it prevented billions of dollars of investment in mass transit, then evaporated before it could reduce the market for cars.
Fair take.
Pressure failures is what happened to transit tubes. Usually with grisly results.
Sounds like quitter talk.
“grisly results”. Are you sure? I think the pressure failure of the Titan submarine was closer to “grisly”. Transit tube failure scores lower on the pressure failure scale. /jk
I want one to get beer from the fridge to the couch. I could move the fridge next to the couch, but if a pneumatic system is an option, I assume I don’t have to explain which would be the better choice by a land slide. Cool beers on the couch, in the garden, in the bath tub, etc. I could fire my wife.
Of course I’m joking, I would never exchange my wife for a pneumatic tube system. I don’t have a wife.