Not exactly self hosting but maintaining/backing it up is hard for me. So many “what if”s are coming to my mind. Like what if DB gets corrupted? What if the device breaks? If on cloud provider, what if they decide to remove the server?
I need a local server and a remote one that are synced to confidentially self-host things and setting this up is a hassle I don’t want to take.
So my question is how safe is your setup? Are you still enthusiastic with it?
I got tired of having to learn new things. The latest was a reverse proxy that I didn’t want to configure and maintain. I decided that life is short and just use samba to serve media as files. One lighttpd server for my favourite movies so I can watch them from anywhere. The rest I moved to free online services or apps that sync across mobile and desktop.
Reverse proxy is actually super easy with nginx. I have an nginx server at the front of my server doing the reverse proxy and an Apache server hosting some of those applications being proxied.
Basically 3 main steps:
Setup up the DNS with your hoster for each subdomain.
Setup your router to port forward for each port.
Setup nginx to do the proxy from each subdomain to each port.
DreamHost let’s me manage all the records I want. I point them to the same IP as my server:
This is my config file:
server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name; location / { proxy_pass; include proxy_params; } } server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name; location / { proxy_pass; include proxy_params; } }
And then I have dockers running on those ports.
root@website:~$ sudo docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES e18157d11eda photoprism/photoprism:latest "/scripts/entrypoint…" 4 weeks ago Up 4 weeks>2342/tcp, :::2342->2342/tcp, 2442-2443/tcp photoprism-photoprism-1 b44e8a6fbc01 mariadb:11 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 4 weeks ago Up 4 weeks 3306/tcp photoprism-mariadb-1
So if you go to that will navigate the user to first. My nginx server will kick in and see you want the ‘photos’ path, and reroute you to basically My PhotoPrism server. So you could do or Either one works. The reverse proxy does the shortcut.
Hope that helps!
fuck nginx and fuck its configuration file with an aids ridden spoon, it’s everything but easy if you want anything other than the default config for the app you want to serve
I only use it for reverse proxies. I still find Apache easier for web serving, but terrible for setting up reverse proxies. So I use the advantages of each one.
🤷♂️ I could spend that two hours with my kids.
You aren’t wrong, but as a community I think we should be listening carefully to the pain points and thinking about how we could make them better.
I had a pretty decent self-hosted setup that was working locally. The whole project failed because I couldn’t set up a reverse proxy with nginx.
I am no pro, very far from it, but I am also somewhat Ok with linux and technical research. I just couldn’t get nginx and reverse proxies working and it wasn’t clear where to ask for help.
I updated my comment above with some more details now that I’m not on lunch.
Unfortunately, I feel the same. As I observed from the commenters here, self-hosting that won’t break seems very expensive and laborious.
Caddy took an afternoon to figure out and setup, and it does your certs for you.