Sync Ultra is a very reasonable $17 a YEAR. YouTube Premium is reaching that per MONTH. I have sync downloaded and it was the first thing I did. Thanks lj for the beautiful app.
[EDIT: That was a poor comparison, as pointed out in the comments. Leaving it for discussion sake.
There are many counterpoints and actually good discussion happening down below. Even if you don’t agree, thanks for showing me a different perspective!
If you want to support Sync, make sure to support the Lemmy Devs and your instance holders as well!
*This post was made early in the day before the update added the OTP option.]
Hate subscription based models. I wouldnt mind paying one-off but until then sorry sync , I am FOSSing
Actually the app just updated and has a one time purchase for removing ads now.
Same. I refuse to subscribe to an app on any platform (mobile, console, PC). Not about to start now. At least they offer a lifetime subscription unlike some software (*cough*SignalRGB*cough*), but $99 is a little ridiculous. That’s more than a video game! $15-20 is more reasonable. IIRC I only paid about $10 for Relay for Reddit back then.
what is fossing
Checkout Fdroid app store.
i have it
That’s what FOSS means. Free and Open source software
The one-time IAP is implemented now.
God damn bro. Its $100. Fuck that , I would rather give that money to a homeless or someone I need than paying it for a stupid app.
It’s $20
It’s 20 dollars.
Then do that? I bet you won’t though.
Why you people getting so salty over some app? Fuck its like android, tesla,Apple fanboys. You guys are better than this BS.
I thinknit’s clear they’re not better than this.
It’s actually my feeling about Sync. Some are fanboys and react like that. Criticism isn’t permitted in this culture.
😃 Let’s gooooooo 💥💥
deleted by creator
$20 is the ad free. $100 is like super-supporter.
Lmao $100. There are so many other services who’s lifetime is less than that and aren’t just a front end.
This is starting to feel like a pretty disrespectful cash grab. Sync Pro was my Reddit app but it was never a $100 service.
Edit: Ah so there’s tiers now. $20 for ad free as an option too. Meanwhile you get a lesser focused experience because obviously anything worth a damn is going to be Ultra exclusive.
Edit2: Just tried out Connect for Lemmy. Feels really close to Sync with gestures and such. I recommend. I was sitting on Jerboa waiting for Sync, but not with this pricing. And I’m pretty sensitive to server hosters cost. It’s insane instances are out here operating at a loss providing content for these apps and Sync wants use them to charge people to provide a front end.
It’s almost like the Lemmy audience is a thousand times smaller than the Reddit one and the dev still has bills to pay. Fewer users, fewer subscribers means you have to charge more.
Yea I remember seeing something from earlier today about just having enough subscription users to cover effectively minimum wage.
Maybe when there are more users the price will go down but there was definitely a lot of work put into this upfront and the user base is still much smaller.
People like to forget that this is his job. It’s really about supporting the time it takes to develop and maintain sync. Just because it’s just a frontend, doesn’t mean it’s free to maintain.
It’s not $100 unless you want a specific combo or have the means to show extra support for the dev.
Ad free is $20.
So they need to make all the revenue they made off Sync for Reddit in one week instead of growing with Lemmy over time like they did with Reddit?
What up front costs could there be here? Obviously their time, but no one is arguing it should be free. But making a premium app 10x the cost of any app, let alone their own Reddit version, is a crazy ask.
This is a gold rush through and through. Clearly the dev see’s an open market, ran into it as fast as possible, charging an astronomically high fee, and will likely bring it down to reasonable levels as soon as another app, which there will be, shows up with reasonable pricing.
It’s not $100. It can be, but ad free, alone, is $20.
I understand the confusion, but it’s not $100. Or need not be.
You’re assuming his fixed expenses are exactly what they were a decade or even a year ago. People have obligations. Houses, cars, insurance, loan payments, all of that. Reasonable expenses at the time of acquisition based on the reasonable expected income.
You can’t assume someone can have their income reduced by 100% for a month, then maybe get ten percent of that back without issues. He’s got bills to pay. This is his full time job.
While I agree that the price is a bit steep, there’s also the fact that the userbase for Lemmy is much smaller than what it was for Reddit. To make a reasonable amount of money (in the dev’s opinion), they need a higher price to compensate for the lower sales. Of course, that higher price may discourage people from laying for it at all, causing their income to be too low.
I’m still using Jerboa myself, but checking out alternatives as well. I still don’t know whether Sync is worth it for me at this price.
Curious where you are seeing the tiered options listed? I’m only seeing the 99.99 option for lifetime…
You click on the icon in the left hand side and it opens up a pop out, and one of the options is remove ads for $20. But then you don’t get sYnC uLtRa features.