Just had NextCloud denying my credentials (not for the first time). I know they weren’t wrong because I’m using a password manager. Logs didn’t say much. Was about to reinstall (again, not the first time nextcloud went bonkers on me) before I tried a docker compose down && docker compose up. Lo and behold after a restart the credentials worked again.
This stuff is just way too flaky for something so important.
Is OwnCloud good again? My main usecase is saving photos but I don’t want them locked away in a database so SeaFile is out.
Edit: I’m going to take the time to reply to you all, bit busy with work and family suddenly. But a little update - I’ve quickly setup Immich and fired up the CLI to import my library. AFAIK the files are still stored on disk somewhere but metadata is in a database. I didn’t realize this before, knowing that I think my mind is made up and Immich is the best solution. Thanks everyone!
My main usecase is saving photos but I don’t want them locked away in a database so SeaFile is out.
Shit. Missed that, sorry.
No problem! It’s good software but I’ve honestly been burned by applications that only keep this kinda stuff in databases. If you do daily backups/exports it’s probably OK but I don’t trust myself not to fuck it up.
This is my least favorite part of Seafile. If there were a competitive alternative that used a flat file storage backend then I’d switch to that in a heartbeat. But alas, I still have not found one, so I will continue into my 6th year of using Seafile…
Worth noting in 6 years I haven’t had any actual trouble with Seafile’s storage, and the few times I’ve needed to I’ve been able to export data to a normal file system using seaf-fsck even if Seafile isn’t running. I’m just not 100% comfortable with it anyway so I understand the apprehension. I’d rather use a standard filesystem and be able to use standard tooling on it.
Honestly this is why I’ve resisted going to seafile. I’ve been using owncloud for a while and it’s been solid, but it’s not my favourite thing in the world.