Good to know people that are disabled don’t mind using shitty maleware apps, I guess?
What’s your point combining using the malware app with you being disabled? Is that supposed to make the app better somehow?
You’re not special because you’re disabled. Things you use aren’t magical amazing. You’re still the same as everyone else.
That’s… not what they were saying? They were responding to a comment saying it encourages consumerism by saying that they use it for better prices on things they need regardless
What does being disabled have to do it?
That’s why they’re broke
Well this disabled person thinks you’re a dumb asshole.
For what reason exactly?
Other commenters have already corrected your thinking, don’t pretend like you didn’t read them.
I completely forgot about this post. I’m not going to read any more comments than I did however long ago the conversation originally was. Oh shit it’s almost 2 weeks old lmao I don’t give a fuck