anyone remember when the argument for digital goods was " We wont have to waste money on boxes, printing, media, storage, or shipping! So your goods will be cheaper than ever, and everyone will still get a more profitable cut!"
Pepperidge farm Remembers, because Pepperidge farm called bullshit on the argument back at the very start, and said they would get rid of physical media, not lower prices, and that we would lose ownership of our purchases… and the internet poopoo’d me to hell in back calling me paranoid and stupid for it.
and look where we are.
and its so goddamn fucked up I don’t even get a single molecule of serotonin from being right about it.
I dunno. Steam did it well enough. I was buying cheap games for years. I could get a kick ass GOTY game for like $5 while GameStop was still selling it used on consoles for $20.
You do realize you don’t “own” anything on Steam right? Every dollar you give them is towards a “subscription” to play the game.
This is why I buy from GOG
While companies like Nintendo continually kill off game accessibility, Steam doesn’t really take away games from anyone. Digital distribution may not be ownership, but Steam in particular hasn’t given reason to worry.
For now but one day some corporation will buy Steam and turn into the endshitcation like all the rest.
Until that time will try to enjoy it while we can.
While true for some games that require their online services. There’s nothing keeping you from downloading a game and backing up the install files on your own media to play later… A lot of games will run without steam open if you just run the executable…
The internet is chock full of idiots who piss all over Cassandra
Not sure if joking, but just in case:
I would not in a thousand years have guessed greek mythology reference, lol
Now you know: you (and I) have the Curse of Cassandra
It fits.
Considering thats how its been my whole life.
Someone in my family once got severe burns on their hands cause i told them a pot was hot (It had been sitting on a grill, not like…a turned off stove where it had time to cool), to not touch it, and they rolled their eyes at me and said “what do you know” and picked it up… And yet it was my fault their hands were in bandages afterwards.