They need to take their talent and apply it to stuff that could actually use it, rather than rehashing stuff that is already good. An Apple clothes dryer that actually can sense dry clothes and doesn’t break easily. An apple garage door that doesn’t suck. An Apple Ebike that lasts ages and is repairable (and gets people out of their cars).
I think an Apple bidet could be neat. A toaster, too.
… I don’t know if I trust Siri to wash my asshole tbh
Something tells me you wouldn’t like the coming AssID feature either.
The bidet is under development. It is going to have cameras to confirm cleanliness using ai.
Did you just put “repairable” and “Apple” in the same sentence?
That would probably disrupt the brand too much.
An Apple bidet which adds a colonic health section to your Health app
I bought a fancy shmancy toaster and it sucks, matches my mixer but ruins my sammiches.
Yeah, it feels like no matter how much I spend on stuff like toasters, air fryers, or blenders, they just aren’t built like they were a couple of decades ago. It’s a drag to go through appliances that shouldn’t be disposable. Even high-end vaccums don’t last as long as they should, and when they do need parts, they are difficult to repair. Miele even got bought out, iirc.