This highlights how deep the BS surrounding Musk has burrowed into the media scape. They invariably refer to his companies as “Elon Musks Tesla” or “Elon Musks Twitter” and so on. Where other billionaire’s (for the most part) avoid the limelight and their companies stand seperate to their idiotic personal choices.
I say “Elon Musk’s Twitter” like would I say “Joel Schumacher’s Batman” — to identify it as the worst version of the thing.
Here’s his prequels
Elon Musks failed Solar City
Elon Musks failed Boring Company
Elon Musks failed Hyperloop
Boring and Hyperloop were successful, they were meant to divert local governments from pursuing viable public transportation projects.
Unfortunately Boring and the hyperloop were wins for him. The goal was to get cities to continue using cars.
Just a few more failures away from qualifying to be president of the USA.
I am Elon Musk’s throbbing need for attention.
His name is X Æ A-12 Paulsen
“Fucker’s settin’ up franchises”