Jesus, that is a gross way to inject advertising into turn-by-turn navigation.
Edit/update from 9to5google so this post does not spread what is apparently inaccurate information:
PSA: Apple Maps used to suck badly but now it’s way better than Google Maps.
OpenStreetMaps clients also works and are available everywhere
Any recommendations for an iOS client?
Organic Maps ist nice. It‘s a fork of Maps…Me before they added all the bloat, I think.
Thats what I use now
I’m sorry but as long as Apple Maps rely on and force you to install the Yelp app for reviews, I’m never using it.
They’re moving away from that, only using Yelp for backfill when they have no data. There is instead a “thumbs up/down” set of buttons (because the 5-star system is uselessly Boolean anyway). Contribute to the ecosystem by rating places using this, and eventually it will reach parity with Google.
Bought iPhone last year.
Tried Apple Maps the first week.
Put in address to friend’s new condo building.
Took me to a parking lot behind a grocery store next to the building, and then acted like I could drive through an old wooden fence to get to the condos.
5/10 I only had to drive to the other end of the block to find the only entrance to the property.
At one point Google Maps moved my whole apartment building/address three streets from where it should be. It was wrong for months even though I reported it when I had to keep telling delivery people that got misdirected because they used it to navigate. Anecdotal evidence etc.
The only thing Apple Maps lacks now is a Waze-like ability to report hazards, speed-traps, road closures etc.apparently that’s been a thing for a few years now, thanks!I’ll have to check it out where I am, but I have a feeling that there might not be a big enough active user base to sufficiently crowd source the datapoints… I guess, be the change you want to see in the world!
You can report hazards, speed checks, and crashes in Apple Maps.
Huh, TIL - thanks!
I’ve updated my original comment to reflect this.