I’ve seen 4 posts in the last two days that have solidified the fact I will never even TRY Sync. Dev seems like a real scumbag. I’m pretty happy with Liftoff so far.
Ok, I don’t agree with the price and all the people that are answering with excuses about pricing more because Lemmy has less users, so people have to pay more for a platform that is still on their early years? That honestly makes no sense to me.
Said that, Laurence (Sync dev) is a really awesome person.
The amount of work and feedback he replies to, makes Sync, while closes source, feels like a collaborative software.
So… No he’s definitely not a scumbag.
Check out Infinity if you haven’t already. It’s an early port though.
https://codeberg.org/Bazsalanszky/Infinity-For-Lemmy/releasesI was trying different apps since Infinity was my go to for Reddit but I caved and downloaded it this morning. Honestly it’s just a great app that works even as an early port. I’m sold again.
Oddly enough I think Jerboa was my second favorite for Lemmy. It’s just so incredibly basic in functionality that it feels lacking. First impressions back then weren’t good though, as it simply crashed constantly. Infinity has a lot of features, but the options menu is quite messy.
I’m at the point where if Sync ad-free is $10 USD I’m in there, but it just doesn’t do enough that Jerboa doesn’t for me to spend an entire $20 rn.
What the heck?! This is actually a great app with an actual working tablet landscape mode and looks great! Thank you!
Regardless of what you think of the pricing, the dev is not a “scumbag”.
I used Sync for Reddit for many years, and he is without a doubt the most responsive and accommodating app dev I’ve ever encountered. Always updating the community, always looking into improvements, and always friendly and helpful. Not to mention extremely skilled at what he does, as you would discover if you tried Sync (even in its free form).
Your accusation is absolutely over the top and completely contrary to reality. Of course you’re free to use whatever app you like, and to disagree with the Sync pricing policy. But there’s no need or justification for talking about him like that.