the project is still in alpha, its normal they have breaking changes
Alright then. We’ll talk about money when it’s out of alpha and stops breaking.
Being in alpha and having breaking changes is fine, the question is how many. My impression is that Immich seems to introduce breaking changes far more frequently than what people might be used to from other projects.
And that does go back to professionalism: The better you plan ahead, the fewer breaking changes you have to impose on your users.
Almost all oft their breaking changes over the last few months were about their docker-compose setup and the simplification of the same. They’ve startend out with multiple purpose-specific (micro) containers, which turned out as a Bad design decision. These changes require manual intervention but seem to be mostly finished, so I don’t expect these to be many breaking changes in the forsseeable future.
The better you plan ahead, the fewer breaking changes you have to impose on your users.
I agree. From what I’ve read, they now have (published) plans for what’s ahead.
I can wait. Until then I will collect picturr folders c: