I see so many posts and people who run NGINX as their reverse proxy. Why though? There’s HAProxy and Apache, with Caddy being a simpler option.
If you’re starting from scratch, why did you pick/are you picking NGINX over the others?
Counter question: Why does everyone call it “engine X” and not “enjinx”, which would be the way cooler pronunciation?
Directly from the nginx home page:
nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy server, and a generic TCP/UDP proxy server, originally written by Igor Sysoev.
I always did? A friend pointed out to me once the “correct” pronunciation. I like this way more.
oh I’ve only ever read it, never heard it pronounced, do people really pronounce it engine X?
That is the way it’s pronounced, yes.
Huh. That is way cooler
I call it N Jinx. Always have and I’ll never be convinced otherwise that it’s not.
I always said “in GIN icks” (gin like the alcohol) based on someone else’s pronunciation years ago. I never realized it was meant to have anything to do with “engine” as a result.
It’s actually n-jynx duh