Keepass has been working with no issues
All of them are vulnerable to bugs though. Just a matter of luck.
Which bugs breaks Keepass encryption?
One of the mobile clients corrupted all passwords for me. I ended up losing only 2 passwords, and only 1 I wasn’t able to restore. Good lesson on why backups are important though :)
One of the reasons i use Mega to sync my keepass db across devices where it’s needed. They have version control, so if it gets corrupted then i can restore from a previous version
If he knew, do you think he’d be wasting time talking here about it instead of, I don’t know, ransoming millions of user passwords?
I like to think that most people would just contact the devs privately to get a fix pushed asap instead of ransoming everyone’s passwords.
Right, but my point was that there aren’t public bugs in encryption algorithms just hanging around. Asking for those is categorically bad faith.