I put all my passwords in a text document, then print it on a little strip of paper and shove it up my ass. Whenever I take a crap, I dig it out from the turds and try to memorise some of them again. Then I shove it back up there where noone else can find my data and I won’t lose it.
Ah yes, KeepAss
I’m scared of downloading after that Mexican party
Forgot to mention I delete the text document and set fire to the computer’s hard drive. The passwords are only ever in my ass, with the rest of my personal shit.
Following up your own shit post with another shit post is shit post gold.
This tracks very close to my idea of the suppository flask stick.
Have you ever tried anal, my beautiful gentleman?
Maybe, but it would have to be personal and in my ass if I had or ever did.
Sounds like a security risk.