No shit, because we all see that AI is just technospeak for “harvest all your info”.
Not to mention it’s usually dog shit out put
I refuse to use Facebook anymore, but my wife and others do. Apparently the search box is now a Meta AI box, and it pisses them every time. They want the original search back.
That’s another thing companies don’t seem to understand. A lot of them aren’t creating new products and services that use ai, but are removing the existing ones, that people use daily and enjoy, and forcing some ai alternative. Of course people are going to be pissed off!
We aren’t allowed new things. That might change their perfectly balanced money making machine.
And making search worse so it can pretend to be an ex is not what I or anyone is looking for in the search box.
To be fair, I love my dog but he has the same output 🤷
But no one is investing billions into your dog’s shit, are they?
He’s open to investment 🤷
Yes the cost is sending all of your data to the harvest, but what price can you put on having a virtual dumbass that is frequently wrong?
Doubt the general consumer thinks that, in sure most of them are turned away because of the unreliability and how ham fisted most implementations are
+ a monthly service fee
for the price of a cup of coffee
More like “instead of making something that gets the job done, expect pur unfinished product to complain and not do whatever it’s supposed to”. Or just plain false advertising.
Either way, not a good look and I’m glad it’s not just us lemmings who care.