It’s great for pet shit and buying low quality junk in bulk. Kid bday party, school fair, need 2000 zip ties - perfect for that. Annoying as hell to use that app, but you can bypass the markup on junk from China if you specifically need junk from China.
Fair enough. Check out AliExpress sometime too, it might be comparable.
I use Aliexpress mostly for work. It’s a massive marketplace with many different vendors involved and not all just junk. I find for more consumer level stuff temu is just easier to navigate with lower shipping costs and often lower product costs in many cases. The app is cancer though.
I bought crappy zip ties once and I still have them because I don’t want to toss them but they are too crappy to use for anything haha
Yeah funny you say that, zip ties are something I never cheap out on. At least not after buying cheap one a couple decades ago, I learned my lesson.
Home Depot has some great zip ties and each time I use them, I get a small dopamine surge of joy.
It’s just one of those things in life where quality matters.
Guess it depends on what you are using them for. I’ve pretty much only bought crappy ones and haven’t had issues. Probably regret it if I ever need to tie up a perp.