gold exclusive subreddit
i’ve been in there, and yea…how many posts about “yay we have gold and we have a subreddit only for us because we’re special” does it take before you start to think “this is about the most pointless thing ever…”
It was a wholesome way to fund the site before they sold out. There was nothing wrong with it being mostly pointless. In fact, it’s better that way. Money gated subs outside of that one meme seems pretty terrible.
I was in the century club on there, it was actually a pretty nice group of folks. Far less toxic.
i was in there for a minute. my one post was “what is this” and then i was replaced a week later. not my thing i guess
I also got added to that sub. I still don’t… Understand what it was
basically /r/CasualConversation for people with too high post/comment karma for their own good. I’ve made a bunch of good friends over there, but the place has become watered down over time as it became so much easier to get the required amount of points.