Any suggestions for alternatives? I switched to Apple Music a while back because it allows me play my own files on any of my devices, but for obvious reasons I’d prefer something else.
Use AntennaPod. Free, open source and allows you to subscribe to all free podcasts. It has a search over three podcast indices included, which gives you anything that is openly available on the web.
I love antenna pod. And also check out phonograph for a local android music player
If only I could add my Spotify history and import which episodes I’ve already listened to, that would be awesome.
AntennaPod, aka “Wherever you get your podcasts!”
Bandcamp, soundcloud, buying musical instruments off reverb
I’m a bit confused. I don’t think I could possibly fit any more musical instruments in my house.
Then bandcamp and SoundCloud for you lol. But encourage your friends and neighbors to play music, too. And bring your instruments to their houses and have them bring theirs for yours. And you never gave to play in public or record anything. Just get together and be bad together. Its what our ancestors did. They weren’t good. They just did it to enjoy themselves. And our modern culture factories have taken that away from us in a time when we should have more free time than ever because we’re more productive than ever
I wish I could play, but musical school is only free here for very young children, and no way I am affording a paid one now…
Start with a drum. Bang out a rhythm. Be unbothered by being a bit off offbeat
First - instruments are unaffordable as well, a school would at least lend one to you. Second - you won’t be taught good technique like that. I don’t even know notes!
For sure. You gotta save up for them. I’m recommending nabbing something second hand and originally crappy. Whatever the drum equivalent of an Eart guitar is. And then, because its a drum, you don’t have to worry about notes. Just bang something out. And don’t worry about technique. I’ve watched enough professional musicians use bad technique through the years to say with confidence to not let that stop you. I realized earlier I’m basically advocating rewilding music. Cannot emphasize enough that I really mean it when I say I recommend embracing being bad. Don’t self edit. And if all this is too much, write clumsy poetry. Just make some art at home. Draw with sidewalk chalk on your streets. Sing badly while you go for a walk. Whistle, poorly. Whatever it is for you. But a really radical thing we can do as a form of protest is to make our own local media apparatuses
I mean, drums is not the instrument I want to play (I don’t even like it plus it is very unfeminine) so I would need to know notes and semi-complicated techniques…
Haha for sure. I agree with all that. I’m a professional musician and play with random locals in pubs and friends all the time. I would say there is quite a healthy culture for that in Ireland.
I was mainly interested in software (that isn’t Spotify) that would allow me to explore more musics.
I’m always on the hunt too. Its frustrating. Spotify consistently doesn’t let me know about new releases I’d be interested in, and just boils everything to the most business friendly songs. Bandcamp has served me the best at being like “here’s the weird shit”
pocket cast has an ios version.
used the android app for many years.I’ve been enjoying Tidal after switching.