Keep in mind there are 4 providers now, not 3!
Oh? Who’s the new one?
ETA: I got woosh’d, didn’t I? I just came off night shift and it’s not even 8AM. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
There are actually more than 3 providers and you should put a freeze on everything you can. You only need unfrozen credit for applying for new lines of credit (loans, credit cards, etc), and unfreezing is a quick process (15 minutes or so).
Here’s a pretty comprehensive guide for protecting yourself:
It’s better to take these steps before you get your identity stolen rather than after. These steps can prevent your leaked information from being used against you.
Seems like this post is two years old at this point. Is it still valid?
Even if some of the information is outdated, although I believe it’s all still valid, the main points / TL;DR are absolutely relevant. It’s unlikely that the main bureaus will change, and although the exact steps for freezing may change over time, the emphasis on freezing is important.
makes sense, thanks
I am. Your login is locked unfortunately. Send me your username and password if you want to unlock it. It’s fairly common. You’ll get your credit score as well.
Such a helpful employee!
User: DaftPensioner Pass: GoRockettes1964!
Nope, I’m serious.
They’ve grown enough to require locking. There’s also which many banks use for opening checking accounts. They’re unique because they handle stuff that doesn’t show up in a credit report.
Is anyone else completely unable to register on chexsystems? Usually when this happens I can’t tell if it’s because of my privacy settings or a legitimate fuckup on the server’s end.