Oh hunny…I didn’t say an mp3 is CD quality, you assumed that. I gave specs for the FLAC because “standard mp3” has specs; therefore you have two sets of specs to compare, silly goose. I can hear a difference, but that’s because any studio engineer that is worth their money is going to be both.
Because I was talking CD-quality not mp3. Anybody can hear difference between bad mp3 and loseless format. That is not issues.
Mp3 has two differend standards using the same name and at least mpeg-2 supports several frequencies. So there is no ”one mp3”.
Talking about three decades old lossy standard in 2023 is really stupid. There is even better lossy standards around.
With you knowledge I have hard time believing you work as audio engineer.
Thank you for your feedback. You’re very brave and I appreciate you.