We’re all influencers. Some of us just have an audience size of zero. Not that I like influencers or the whole industry, but I don’t know what the difference is between any attractive/charismatic/creative online person and an influencer.
brought to you by Carl’s Jr.
I thought the answer was money. If you are paid to push a product you are an influencer / advertiser. At least that’s how I understood the term. This article is really about digital broadcasters and is not just about assuring tax collection which is what I had assumed this was about (and that’s actually reasonable). This is about content control which just sounds completely awful.
brought to you by Beano
Of we won’t pay you now. But how about these generous gifts
Isn’t that the problem? We haven’t known where to draw the line, and so a lot of unregulated and uninhibited activity is taking place in this way. This is a very strong route to push disguised advertising and propaganda.
I don’t hate it. I’m just not sure it’s feasible. We’ll see.