It’s interesting how most of Musk’s wealth is in stock and such, when people start cashing out on it. What’s his liquid wealth?
I assume he’s been wealthy for long enough that he’s been able to cash out interest and dividends to make him a wealthy man, constantly accruing money simply by having money.
Seeing him tank on everything he touches( bringing down the value), I have to wonder if there is a limit to his liquid funds. The world’s richest poorest man or something.
Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.
If he tried to liquidate all of his Tesla shares on the open market over a period of time, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was less than half.
SpaceX is another story though as it’s not public and he can just do a private sale. He could probably get very close to what his shares are worth, maybe even more as it’s value keeps going up each time they raise money.
Also the shares will be worth more the less it is controlled by him.
Maybe longer term, but short/medium term it adds 715 million shares which will increase supply dramatically. The price won’t be able sustain that.
You can’t fuck his horse, he had to sell it to cover his debts. It’s someone else’s horse now.
Is that the horse that he offered to that airline attended as payment to fuck him after he pulled out his penis in front of her on the plane? They liquidated that horse?
I fucking hate that so much.
“People think a thing is cool, so the person who owns the thing is cool and should get a monetary value based on a lot of people’s opinions”
And everyone is lIke “Yes this system is great! Let’s do this with more people”.
And then one day nobody thought the thing was cool anymore for…reasons (Tesla) and so that person loses money relatively proportional to how many cool points they lose in the minds of a bunch of other people.
But that’s a travesty and this person’s coolness now affects a lot of other people’s coolness to the point that it could severely fuck up the economy if enough people stopped thinking they were cool. So we have to keep telling this person we still think they’re cool so that shit doesn’t get really bad until we have a better plan in place to deal with it.
And then we’re like fuck…that was stupid…we shouldn’t do that again. And everyone agrees.
Meanwhile we’re still doing it with countless other people and things and we’ll act just as shocked pikachu face the next 30 times it happens.
It’s so fucked up and dumb.
Google SBLOC and you understand where he gets all his cash