Society is made up of individuals. What difference does the number of people make 0 fucks times any things is still 0 fucks.
Society used to say that slavery was great. It made a huge difference to the slaves and those who profited from slavery.
But go ahead so brave with your 0 fucks. Society is made up of individuals!!! Genius brain.
What are u arguing here? That we should listen to society or that we shouldn’t? If we do then we have ur point of society loved slavery. If we don’t then we are back to not giving a fuck what society thinks hence what they say can’t hurt you.
Have ur fuckibg cake or eat it not both.
Spoken like a person in a position of privilege.
What cos i was born into a country with socialised healthcare. Or cos u just wanna cry about boohoo my lifes so sad I need to blame everyone else for it.
You’re such an asshole, it’s comical. Like you just go out of your way to be hateful for no real reason.
Asshole yes. Hateful definatly not. nobody ever said the truth was pretty. I would say pull urself up by ur bootstraps but by the sounds of it ur American and ur systems so fucked I doubt u could afford bootstraps.
The fact that you unironically use the phrase “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” just shows how much of a muppet you are. It is physically impossible to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.