More info about it here:
I love how microsoft never learns their lessons.
ha, oh look another revision no one asked for.
i had to use this recently, and its all kinds of useless now. the ‘search’ didnt find my installed app, the ‘all apps’ list is a click or two in, and then absurdly inefficiently styled… the win98 start menu was easier for me to navigate.
Nobody asks for mayor UI changes, nothing would change if you wait for that.
sometimes things that are not broken need no fixing…
unless youre some middle management pos attempting to make your mark in a terrible corporate environment
Caves are perfect, why change anything?
We have always done it like this!
All terrible arguments.
Are you genuinely arguing that this start menu is better?
Many here do, others feel like they are the gold standard. And no, I did not if you actually read what I said.