More info about it here:
I love how microsoft never learns their lessons.
I’ve used StartAllBack to get the start menu exactly how I want it.
I dread having to upgrade at work, I set the group policy to deny the upgrade for the moment. They won’t allow me to use ASB.
Aw that sucks. My biggest issue is the thickness of the new bar. Wastes so much space
Oh god yes, you can modify it in the registry (or you used to be able to) but then the date/time gets fucked up. I hate W11 so much
I like w11, i just hate the taskbar
I couldn’t get past the Taskbar long enough to not hate it unfortunately. I also missed quicklinks, which I use a lot.
What’re quick links?
Sorry, it’s Quicklaunch.
I have my most used applications there so I never have to hit the start button.
Doesn’t pinned apps on the taskbar work for that same use case? I’ve just used that instead since Windows 7