It feels dirty to agree with an ISP on something. But even the worst corporations are on the right side of something from time to time I suppose.
The ISPs? doing something nice?? for the customers???
Shit, I must have slipped into the wrong timeline or somethingISPs can’t take your money if they cut off your internet
Nope, they just don’t wanna be bothered. But if it’s a win it’s a win.
Don’t wanna be bothered/Don’t wanna lose that sweet, sweet monthly
It means they can fire the one guy that sends the angry letters and get rid of a printer.
It’s without a doubt motivated by their own loss of revenue but a consumer friendly take is still commendable
It’s less work and cost for them if they don’t have to do this.
iiNet in Australia used to fight for their users’ privacy until they eventually sold out.