Shut up! He singlehandedly invented Tesla, PayPal and SpaceX. He litters the space with most satellites of everybody. He brought freedom of speech back to Twitter and renamed it to a more SEO friendly X. He also supports the greatest president and best white male specimen DT. So let our overlord Musk be.
PayPal was so far ahead of the curve. I’ve actively avoided using them for a long because of something that happened many years ago. I sense that young people see it as a boomer app.
PayPal could’ve been the big bank of the Internet and they fucked it up.
That’s sarcasm right?.. Right?!
What do you think?
Sadly I know a couple people who actually would say something like this with a straight face >.>
Well, I can see tRump supporters saying this
I’m taking this as a sign the Internet is healing that I fully understood this as sarcasm. The last couple of years I wouldn’t have been so sure.
I still know too many people that might actually believe this, but at least we might be on the right track haha