my theory is Bing is better because they are hungrier and anything that takes away market share from Google is good
If you think Microsoft is in the business of innovation and healthy competition, you’re wrong.
This is funny, but it was also 13 years ago. A lot can change in that time. I don’t personally use Bing though, so I don’t have firsthand experience either way.
A lot can change in 13 years, but a company that starts off morally evil does not magically get better as time goes on. If anything, they’re worse - we just don’t have the luxury of knowing exactly how yet.
All I’m trying to say is that they’re not necessarily doing the same thing now that they were back then. They’d have a strong motivator to be better than google nowadays instead of just copying their results because google’s results suck now.
He didn’t say they weren’t evil. Only that because they are behind they are trying harder than Google (which is also evil).
If that was what you took from my post, give it another read. I’m not pro MS. I’m pro not feeding Google. And Bing is fine.
I’m not pro MS. I’m pro not feeding Google.
I feel like this is similar to arguing that Exxon is bad so it’s better to buy gas from BP.
Both are shitty options.
Thankfully there are other options because you just nailed the two places I refuse to ever get gas from when there is any other option. If there was a good third option I’d take it here, but while Google commands so much market share and a new competitor would probably siphon users from Bing (and it’s not enough users) I don’t think a real alternative will come. I’m intrigued by kagi, though.