If there are any French or Germans in particular reading this please share on your numerous native instances: If you are in the EU you need to contact policy makers (as outlined in the article) about this. I’m sorry I can’t be with you on this one but Brexit.
The beauty of high level corruption is that local peasants can’t do much about it.
Good news is that Germany for example if trying to get away from corpos and use OSS, so at least we know within german government there are people who [see] this issue properly.
Unfortunately your information seems a little outdated. It’s true that Germany did try it for a moment until Microsoft showed up with suitcases of money in the chancellor office so to speak and he announced to essentially move away from open source again.
Though on the federal level, there‘s still some hope. Maybe.
You are talking about Limux which started 2 decades ago, but there are other initiatives to enforce oss software in german government.
And also the same who wrote the bundes trojaner :-) ( I know it’s most likely the German intelligence but still funny )