I don’t get how it’s not that AI would help programmers build way better things. if it can actually replace a programmer I think it’s probably just as capable of replacing a CEO. I bet it’s a better use case to replace CEO
You can hire a lot of programmers for the cost of one CEO.
It’s a bit nuts actually when I think about it. AI could really be useful for replacing CEO’s. The more I think about it the more it makes sense. Its one career that makes sense for it to replace.
Something I’ve always found funny about the “AI will replace programmers soon” is that this means AI’s can create AI’s and isn’t this basically the end of the economy?
Every office worker is out of a job just like that and labourers only have as long as it takes to sort out the robot bodies then everyone is out of a job.
You thought the great recession was bad? You ain’t seen nothing!
But like I just keep going back to the idea that no invention in history ever had reduced our work load. It has always only shifted the work to the other end of what the invention can produce. I just always expect a human is still need to glue some process together and in that niche little area, whole industries are created and the rest of us have to learn it