What conversation are you even trying to have? Are you actually trying to discuss how kids can like adults, or are you trying to discuss that we’re not ready to talk about the kids liking adults?
I’m asking for like the third time because from your responses, it’s still not clear
I’m trying to have a conversation about people reading the article, you brigading bastards decided to comb through the modlog history to dig up some unrelated shit.
Of COURSE my conversation now is about how we can’t have the original conversation, I’m not looking for another ban. If you really care, private message me. Or get a mod to confirm I won’t get banned again.
You’ve been at least somewhat respectful in seeking my opinion and I appreciate that, but mods have made very clear this topic is off limits regardless of context. Which, again, there isn’t any. This is a thread about work from home.
“Women of any age”
I stand by that statement, and I’ve reported you for harassment. Not that I expect anything from it.
I never insulted you, all I did was post your own words verbatim, and you say that you stand by those words, so I don’t see what the issue is.
What’s got you upset specifically here?
This is a thread about work from home. Why are you bringing up something completely unrelated I said, which mods have made it clear I’m not allowed to defend? That’s bullying and harassment.
No, this is a thread about the company “Nothing”, that makes cell phones. I think you misread the headline.