Telegram isn’t made to be a full E2EE messenger. They have things like public channels which you can’t do with E2EE. What kind of idiots thought that Telegram was intended to be a fully E2EE messenger? People use it cause it is native and good for its purposes. It has secret chats if you need them at times. Why all the hate from the Signal CIA fanbois?
Why all the hate from the Signal CIA fanbois?
Owner is Russian
The author makes the point that Telegram advertises itself as secure, but isn’t except a hidden out of the way option that almost nobody will use.
The truth of the matter is Telegram has the full plaintext content of almost every message posted on that site.
Yummy data for telegram AI
It sells you drugs and warns you from masks and vaccines
so make 1to1 conversation e2ee by default, what would be the downsite? Only one i can think of is they want to snoop in peoples convos.
im fine with public channels not being encrypted, thats fair.