Or, we could, you know, mulch every fucking one of the bastards and rejoice in a world free of their self-indulgent bullshit.
Oh wait, I keep forgetting, a shitton of you still worship billionaires.
You don’t get it… If I don’t defend Musk and Bezos, then I have to admit I’m being fucked over. Then I have to actually deal with the reality that life is completely out of my control except for collective bargaining and class consciousness.
That takes a lot of unlearning and reformulating to do, and a lot of grace towards myself for falling for propaganda and that rails against my rugged individualism as I have been taught since childhood.
All of this takes time and effort, as well as the mentioned patience and acceptance that I am not the sole master of my own destiny. That my parents were taught a lie and lied to me, and so did their parents.
So I believe i n sunk cost fallacies and worship said billionaires.
Don’t worry pal, it certainly does take time. So much fucking time. You’ll have way too much time to get use to everything while waiting for that class consciousness. Even then, when you’ve grasped the concept entirely, more time.
I don’t worship them! I just follow their every move and emulate them in my daily life. They are in fact chosen by god himself.