And I don’t care about what you think about it. If you don’t like it, disable it, and it’ll be like it was never there. Simple as that.
Like I said before, they created the first and only private and secure social platform. Nothing else like it exists or has existed. Personally I find that super valuable.
Lol calm down, no one’s trying to fight you over Signal being the best private messaging platform. I was just sharing that it was weird to me how stories was one of the most sought out features from users.
In the future please be sure to get your opinions approved by the comment thread captain before sharing them publicly.
And I just don’t understand why so many people feel compelled to share their feelings about it any time it is mentioned.
It is the internet and we are on a discussion board lol
You made a post in an open, public forum and you’re confused why others would like to discuss the things that you posted?
I don’t understand why people feel the need to derail the discussion every time it is mentioned.