I’m using this all the time myself. There is no login to YouTube required and it supports adding subscriptions and doing everything important you can do on YouTube.
And the best part is no ads whatsoever.
I prefer NewPipe/Tubular so much that I don’t even use my desktop for YouTube anymore.
NewPipe stopped working for me some time ago, switched over to rvx which seems to work fine.
It stops working occasionally but they release fixed versions pretty fast.
Try pipepipe, they update more often than OG newpipe/tubular
i would like to say I prefer Newpipe, but those guys have a pretty annoying bug that’s been going on for years now and it’s still not been fixed.
If you watch a video and then go back to a list and scroll up to the top, the app crashes.
you can run it on your desktop with waydroid btw