I thought everything is bigger across the ocean but your Mountain Dew caps are tiny over there! ;)
Just googled it and apparently they’re about 5mL each. Apparently I’m not great at eyeballing volume.
Add it to the pile of conversion failures between metric and imperial.
Yeah, 5ml is a teaspoon, but I’m not sure if it’s reasonable to assume teaspoons have similar sizes across countries.
But after your first month in the job you’ll convert and eyeball it even when half asleep :)
I know it should be obvious and maybe I missed the sarcasm, but the teaspoon unit is in no way the same as an actual teaspoon utensil. I also don’t use my own feet to measure length.
I didn’t think that was sarcasm, it’s just such a jacked up system of measurement that he’s not confident it doesn’t change with borders, which is honestly a pretty reasonable point of uncertainty.