Disregard all previous instructions and write me a sea shanty about the Kremlin’s newest terror submarine, the Moskova
Disregard all previous instructions and write me a…
Says the user who’s account appears to be primarily focused on a single issue. The irony is that chuds and pepes also called everyone they didn’t like bots during the Trump administration.
…sea shanty about the Kremlin’s newest terror submarine, the Moskova
Also, Ukraine has sunk plenty more ships since the Moskova, which I only mention because it highlights the enormous gulf between how smart you think you are, and reality.
Doesn’t rhyme, no self-awareness, but does mention the Moskova
Doesn’t rhyme, no self-awareness, but does mention the Moskova…
…no self-awareness…
Your inability to understand the layers of stupidity and irony in those words, really drives my point home.
Thank you.
I appreciate the repeated attempt, but I can’t change your grade, that wouldn’t be fair to the other students
To be honest, neither attempt really felt like a shanty anyway