This is what we need AI for. Robots that can independantly handle this type of task that is too dangerous for humans.
Fuck the generative garbage we have now. Work on this stuff instead.
GenAI is getting better and better
Generative AI, as it is being built right now, is a dead-end. It won’t get much better than it currently is (markedly worse once the next-gen is forced to scrape data that includes AI generated data) and hallucinations are always going to be the reality for them.
It’s why there’s this big push over the last couple of years to get these products to market. Not because you’re going to corner some burgeoning industry (though the hype definitely is designed to look like that), but because this is a grift now and you have to get the goods while there’s still goods to get. Need to recoup those R&D dollars somehow.
That’s what they’ve said about every disruptive technology since the beginning of time.
I’m against it being shoved down our throats at every opportunity for a quick buck, but it’s very much an active area of research.
You’d be foolish to think there’s no innovation or imlrovements to be made.
the output performance won’t get better, but the consumption performance will continue to improve, the generalization of models will continue to improve.
It’s not going to be a replacement for google, but it will do a damn good job at efficiently recognizing an individual soda can from a picture damnit!
My only problem with that is that they lobotomized Google to make the AI seem valuable. Not that they weren’t going to destroy Google’s utility eventually, but, once generative AI entered the scene, it deteriorated with a quickness.
thats just VC funding at it’s finest, there’s nothing of note there, they did the same with data, they’re doing the same with AI now. They’ll continue to do it into the future as well.
Google has also just been getting worse over the years. There is no reason to single out the AI feature, all of google is terrible now.
But where’s the money in that?
“Our shareholders insist the line must go up!”