Uhhh. Maybe I’m a little TOO far from the console crowd but I’m going to say this anyways.
Who tf cares? I’m a PC gamer and I’ve been without a disk drive since 2009.
I will happily admit it is definitely a different situation. For one, this would essentially give Sony a monopoly on games. Which would mean that they would never lower prices and gamers have no one to go to other than them. You know what I’m talking about, all the same shit that Nintendo has been doing for years.
I guess that I’m just curious how many people dislike this.
Another big problem imo is also that you effectively lose ownership of your games. Inevitably, servers would be shut down and you wouldn’t be able to download the games that you own. And that’s if things go well. Some games could always just go away earlier as we’ve seen on other platforms. However, if you own the disk, then that’s that, you can play the game forever.
On steam, the same problem could technically happen, but I trust Steam significantly more. It’s very much in their best interest to keep growing their library of games and not stop supporting them. I still have games from 10+ years ago on it and I expect to keep them 10+ years from now.
Actually the disk drives makes the console attractive, as you can snag cheap second hand games
Oh yeah, no doubt. One of the whole benefits of PC gaming is being able to snag games from other retailers. Honestly disk drive consoles have the advantage of being able to snag games from other users.
cant function as a dvd player as well as console if there isnt a disc drive
some people just have games on disc and without a disc drive they either have to buy the disc drive seperate or rebuy their game digitally
If I’m not mistaken it’s actually a Blu-ray player not just a dvd player. Mind you this is from memory not necessarily a fact, lol
It’s def a blu-ray player. In fact it’s not just that, it’s a 4k blu-ray player.
Huh. I, for some reason, didn’t realize the PS5 was 4k.
Oh, yes. In fact, I think it was a crime that the ps4 pro was not 4k.