Yet more proof that Apple has ceased to be an innovator that adds features to phones and now takes things away and leaves it to fans to make up justifications for it.
Removing things is also innovation
Or do you still miss the VGA connector? A floppy disk drive? DVD drive in a laptop?
Those were replaced with better tech that did the exact same thing. VGA - DVI - HDMI - Display Port.
I don’t know about you, but I still have one DVD hooked up. Because I have the option to. Not because the motherboard maker took away all the SATA ports and told me I had to buy a special proprietary dongle or plug to fit the replacement.
Multiple people were really angry when VGA ports disappeared, the amount of shitty corporate projectors with only VGA connectors was staggering and we had to resort to using adapters (“dongles”) for a long time until all of them were replaced with HDMI capable ones
I still use most of these regularly, because I don’t waste money on anti-green Apple products.
Is using a 30 year old VGA monitor “green”?
They’re still innovating, especially when it comes to shareholder profits