It will be open source, end to end encrypted using Signal’s double ratchet encryption protocol, and he plans to make it easy for fediverse platforms to integrate it. The beta will release later this month.

He’s also the creator of btw

    2 years ago

    Competition is good, especially with regards to privacy and cyber security. Customers benefit when companies don’t have a captured market. A lack of competition only leads to monopolies and stagnation.

    If no one offers a secure product, then customers have no choice but to either not use anything or put up with it. Competition means that at any time a newcomer can offer a better product (that is hopefully open source).

    Edit to add: Ideally you could message people on different apps with the same account. But I’ll take fragmentation over a monopoly.

      22 years ago

      Hard disagree. People actually being able to use apps is good. The smallest amount of privacy and security is a thousand times better than WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger or whatever other Meta garbage people are using.

      Wickr, Threema, Telegram, blah blah blah there’s too many chat apps already.