You are conflating Consumers with Citizens
I’m actually not, and my word choice was intentional. If you’re not consuming these goods then you hold no leverage, and probably don’t care.
Do you not consume a single Google/Meta/Microsoft product or do you not care about their abhorrent business practices?
Yes and no.
I don’t understand.
Then you’re knowingly engaging in the consumption of abusive products? Do you not see how you have literally no leverage whatsoever as a consumer?
Its not that simple. Its not a binary do you/don’t you question. Overwhelmingly I do not.
- I don’t buy any Apple products whatsoever
- I don’t have or use Facebook or Instagram
- I don’t use Reddit outside of the Stealth app (I can’t anyway, they’ve blocked my IP)
- I use YouTube only with third-party clients and without watching ads
Pretty much the only thing I use is a Google account for work, which I have no choice over.
I use less than probably 99% of Americans.
Congrats. So you think that since you can do it (as a clearly very tech-literate person) the government shouldn’t do anything? Do you think it’s because they all researched the issues with these companies and decided to actively support them, or is it because their apathy should be considered an encouragement to continue?
You are so haughty you’ve circled back around to being libertarian. This is genuinely a terrible but unfortunately common take that is honestly entirely indistinguishable from the kind of shit you’d hear coming from a FAANG lobby group.
the government shouldn’t do anything?
I didn’t say anything that remotely resembles that. You need to read better.