It will be open source, end to end encrypted using Signal’s double ratchet encryption protocol, and he plans to make it easy for fediverse platforms to integrate it. The beta will release later this month.

He’s also the creator of btw

      12 years ago

      I don’t have matrix?

      Anyway: Platform specific handle being “public” is not a problem. What is a problem (to me) is the association with other platforms I am on. No one besides those that actually should know it (hence PM), need to know it.

      Do I reuse my username on many platforms? Sure do.
      Do I need to tell you? Nope brother!

      Also: Why should I take my conversation from here to exchange confidential information than just letting it stay here?

        22 years ago

        I don’t have matrix?

        My point, exactly.

        Why should I take my conversation from here to exchange confidential information than just letting it stay here?

        I’ve already answered that.