Tesla Hackers Find ‘Unpatchable’ Jailbreak to Unlock Paid Features for Free::A group of security researchers claim to have found an “unpatchable” jailbreak for some Tesla vehicles, potentially unlocking in-car purchases
This how people are gonna find out how bad of an idea to allow the manufacturer to have that much control over your car after purchase. Tesla will shut their cars off if they find them jail breaked.
Just like the guy that wasn’t allowed to fix the cooling hose on the battery Tesla’s only option was to replace it. A third party fixed it but he still had concerns that they would shut it off (citing safety) because he wouldn’t buy a whole new battery after he fixed it. Also barring him from quick charge stations was another concern.
Neo-feudalism at it’s best. Make them pay the manufacturing costs but also make them rent the thing they paid for
“make them rent the things they paid for” makes my blood boil. Like paying for a Wi-Fi router each month even though after a year it’s all paid off, they’ll still just charge you for it, literally free money by the millions for them. Fuck you Comcast.
It’s where every industry is striving for. To continually get paid for something forever.
We call them landlords until we call them compost.
Tesla shutting off jailbreaked cars would be illegal in Europe at least
Unless they find a legal workaround. They can probably do it, if they claim it makes the car unsafe.
They can’t just claim shit when people start suing them
It’s pretty easy to convince most people that ANY hacking is unsafe. It probably wouldn’t be that difficult to make a convincing argument, and as the maker of the car, they have a lot of authority.
They will hve to provide evidence that explicitly links hacking to safety problems that have occured in real life, never gonna happen
Or they can just brick it, like Apple does with iPhone, when people jail break them.
Did Apple ever lose a lawsuit on that? You put to much trust in the system.
Apple doesn’t brick your iphone if you jailbreak it
- jailbreak
- disable all traffic from certain apps
- add all tesla domains as on /etc/hosts, just to be sure
- ride off into the sunset
Couldn’t they add a hardware chip that acts like a tamper seal?
Depending on how it’s implemented, beating it will be a matter of shorting some circuits. See how PS1 and 2 were jailbroken with modchips.
That’s the thing that gets jailbroken.
OMIGOD please let us not have the right to repair conversation about fucking cars.
But this is probably where we are heading unfortunately.
Since it is a software lockout then we can have the software freedom conversation instead.
It’s already been done on farm vehicles, why not cars