Yeah, better ban them all, don’t see why not
I understand blocking TikTok, and China already blocks US social media sites. I don’t really understand blocking a shopping app, though. TikTok are grasping at straws.
Wouldn’t this set a dangerous precedent? If the government blocks a shopping app, what else will they block in the future? It’s a slippery slope to government censorship. China may do the same thing and block US stores, which would hurt the US economy.
Shopping apps aren’t really needed, I mean people could use the websites instead. So banning them wouldn’t do any harm. Apps takes too much space & data anyways, which is not needed to function.
China bans stuffs all the time for no reason and makes laws that makes it difficult for a foreign business stay in China.
China’s Anti-Espionage Law Raises Foreign Business Risk
A lot of companies are preparing to leave or left China already for like India or Vietnam. It’s a slow transition, but it’s happening.
Apple’s iPhone factory shift has left a ghost town behind in China
Why Companies Are Exiting China And What Leaders Can Do About It
Shopping apps aren’t really needed, I mean people could use the websites instead
You could say the same thing for probably half the apps in the app stores, and yet people keep installing the apps. On iPhones, I think part of it is the fact that iOS had such poor support for PWAs.
more control and better monetization was probably the reason, y’know so apple can get that unfair cut.