Durov – who has citizenship in France as well as Russia, the United Arab Emirates, and the Caribbean archipelago of St. Kitts and Nevis
How can someone have four simultaneous citizenships?
Is it money? Gotta be money.
I only use Telegram for my Warhammer 40k group…Authorities seizing that will get them years of mindless chatter about the Emperor, memes and battle reports. Fuck they will pay us to leave Telegram
Oh hell yeah it’s money. It’s called economic citizenship and there are plenty of countries out there that are willing to let you buy in with ownership of properties and business.
There are only a handful of countries out there that don’t allow dual citizenship.
How can someone have four simultaneous citizenships?
Most countries let you have multiple citizenships. Unless a country restricts you from doing so, you can have as many as you want.
In Canada and New Zealand you can literally buy citizenship. You just need the funds. It’s a real and legitimate process.
In Australia you can buy permanent residency, which is then a pathway to citizenship.
Almost every country has a way to get citizenship in exchange of money
If the country is corrupt enough, then yes.
I wonder if anyone rich enough has decided on undertaking the quest to get and hold as many citizenships as possible.
There’d probably be difficulty though getting simultaneous citizenships for North Korea / South Korea citizenship, Russia / Ukraine, or Republic of China / People’s Republic of China.
The most i could find on the web was this lawyers non-named client, who has 8 citizenships (“octa-citizen” has passports from Canada, UK, Ireland, Belize, Grenada, Dominica, St. Kitts, and Cape Verde), after renouncing his original USA one (and he apparently did it to not pay taxes).
ya, the US is the only nation that will tax any money you make even if you don’t live in the US or work in the US
How can someone have four simultaneous citizenships?
My kids are entitled to 5 citizenships. 2 from me and 3 from their mum.